The Railway Movements Division (ZPK) provides transport services on the PKP PLK railway network, using its own traction and wagon rolling stock, as well as using customer's wagons.
Railway movements have been performed since 2003, based on received licenses and relevant permits. ZPK performs mainly full-train transports of bulk commodities, but does not avoid single wagons and wagon groups. The most important groups of raw materials are: coal, iron ore, aggregates, timber, fuels, chemicals, and cereals. ZPK is also active in the area of intermodal transport, among other things, serving container terminals in Włosienica and Cieśle-Oleśnica, owned by Rail Polska.
On the basis of its certificates, ZPK currently carries out transport in Poland and in the case of international movements cooperates with partners from neighboring countries. Working with customers, we adopt a principle that a rate of movement of 1 ton depends not only on the distance between the station of origin and the station of destination and the volume of transported goods, but also on individual conditions of each movement.
We develop new large-scale freight projects in a customer-oriented manner. Planning these projects requires the establishment of commercial and technological conditions, the process of selecting appropriate locomotives and wagons, and the organization of the freight process. With such an individual and precise approach to each project, we are able to offer a competitive freight rate. During the course of the contract, we provide the customer with the necessary information about the movement, in particular, we keep the customer informed about the location of the goods we carry.
In developing efficient rail transportation projects Rail Polska benefits from Rail World's unique experience, gained around the world. The international experience combined with the capabilities of the Polish team mean that Rail Polska meets needs of customers in a manner consistent with their expectations.

- bulk transportation of raw materials, products and goods - for power plants and thermal power plants, chemical industry, automotive industry, coal and aggregate mines, sugar and cement plants, and companies from other sectors,
- Special movements - in particular, goods requiring the use of special wagons (e.g., for transport of chemicals) and movements of cargo for which, due to the weight and size, it is necessary to use railway wagons of special construction (oversized transports),
- railway services in terms of movements of wagons, locomotives, passenger traction vehicles - operable or for repair, newly built,
- intermodal transport services (goods packed in a container, etc.),
- movements of extraordinary cargos,
- transportation of hazardous products.